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The New Mexico Economic Development Department is offering Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (NM SBIR/STTR) matching grants up to $100,000 to accelerate commercialization of technologies developed with the aid of the federal SBIR awards. 

·    Phase II grants - $100,000

·    Phase I grants - $25,000

 This is a competitive grant for New Mexican companies with high-growth potential. To be eligible, companies must have an active Phase I or Phase II SBIR award or a letter of award. Funds must be used for business development and must not duplicate items or activities funded by the federal SBIR award.

Deadline to apply: Monday, November 13 at 5pm MT


Register: New Mexico Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grant - New Mexico EDD

October 14

Cultivating Success: A Hispanic Business Summit

October 17

Innovation in Agriculture and Energy Opportunity Zone Summit